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Introduction To Medical Surgical Nursing 5th Edition Linton Test Bank


Test Bank for Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing 5th Edition by Linton.1.Copyright © 2012, 2007, 2003, 2000, 1995 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.Linton: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing, 5thEditionChapter 03: Legal and Ethical ConsiderationsTest BankMULTIPLE CHOICE1. A good friend of the licensed practical/vocational nurse (LPN/LVN) confides that she isin a serious romantic relationship with a man the LPN/LVN had as a patient when he wasdiagnosed with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The policies of the HealthInsurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prevent the nurse from warningher friend.

This situation is a moral:a. OutrageANS: CMoral distress occurs when a nurse feels powerless because moral beliefs cannot behonored because of institutional or other barriers.DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 32 OBJ: 1TOP: Moral Distress KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/AMSC: NCLEX: Safe Effective Care Environment: Coordinated care2. The nurse reminds a resident in a long-term care facility that he has autonomy in manyaspects of his institutionalization. One example is:a. Selection of medication timesb. Availability of his own small electrical appliancesc.

Smoking in the privacy of his own roomd. Application of advance directivesANS: DThe application of advance directives is an autonomous decision. Agency protocolsrelative to medication times, access to private electrical devices, and smoking are rarelywaived; these policies are not in the control of the resident.DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: p. 32 OBJ: 2TOP: Autonomy KEY: Nursing Process Step: ImplementationMSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping and adaptation3. The LPN/LVN may exhibit beneficence by:a.

Removing a defective equipment from the patient’s roomb. Willingly working extra shifts during a staff shortagec. Adhering to agency policyTest Bank for Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing 5th Edition by LintonFull Download: download all chapters instantly please go to Solutions Manual, Test Bank site: TestBankLive.com.Test BankCopyright © 2012, 2007, 2003, 2000, 1995 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.3-2d. Joining the National Association for Practical Nurse Education & Service(NAPNES) and attending educational seminarsANS: ABeneficence means promoting good and reducing harm.

Removing defective equipmentdemonstrates that the LPN/LVN is reducing possible harm to the patient. Working extrashifts, adhering to policy, and joining NAPNES are personal values, not beneficence.DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 32 OBJ: 2TOP: Beneficence KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A MSC: NCLEX: N/A4. The LPN/LVN reminds a group of nursing students that the values they demonstrate intheir practice have their roots in:a.

Nursing school educationb. Family influencec. Peer relationshipsd. Agency policiesANS: BThe family shapes values that are demonstrated in later life. These values may beenhanced or challenged by life experiences, but the base is forged in the family.DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: p. 33 OBJ: 3TOP: Values KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A MSC: NCLEX: N/A5.

One obstetric nurse remarks, “I don’t see how these young single women can keep onhaving babies without being married. Everyone knows a child needs a father.” This nurseis exhibiting:a. Moral uncertaintyc.

Values clarificationd. Professional concernANS: AEthnocentricity is the belief that one’s own culture and values are superior to those ofanother. Such statements are based on values clarification and, perhaps, on moral outrage.DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p.

33 OBJ: 5TOP: Ethnocentrism/Values Clarification KEY: NursingProcess Step: N/AMSC: NCLEX: N/A6. When a student asks the instructor to define the philosophic stand of utilitarianism, theinstructor gives the example of:a. An army officer sacrifices six paratroopers to save 100 prisoners of war.b. A priest burns down his church because it was defiled by Satanists.Test BankCopyright © 2012, 2007, 2003, 2000, 1995 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.3-3c. A mother jumps off a cliff with her baby to avoid being captured by Indians.d. A soldier murders captured enemies to prevent their divulging military secrets.ANS: AThe sacrifice of six to save 100 is an example of the greater good.

The other options arebased on the philosophy of deontology.DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis REF: p. 34 OBJ: 6TOP: Utilitarianism KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/AMSC: NCLEX: N/A7. The LPN/LVN explains to a patient that the hospital has an Institutional EthicsCommittee whose main function is to:a. Preside over policy implementationb. Revoke the license of someone who violates the lawc. Solve personnel disputesd. Ensure that hiring adheres to ethnic equalityANS: AThe main job of the Institutional Ethics Committee is to preside over the implementationof agency policy.DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p.

34 OBJ: 8TOP: Institutional Ethics Committee KEY: Nursing Process Step: ImplementationMSC: 'NCLEX: Safe, Effective Care Environment: Coordinated care'8. The LPN/LVN charted that “the patient was drunk and acted in a crazy manner.” Theteam leader has cautioned that such documentation would leave the LPN/LVN open tocharges of commission of the intentional tort of:a. Wrongful publicationc.

Defamation of characterd. Invasion of privacyANS: CCharting or saying unsupported defamatory statements can lead to tort litigation.DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 38 OBJ: 2TOP: Torts KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/AMSC: 'NCLEX: Safe, Effective Care Environment: Coordinated care'9. When the LPN/LVN assists an older woman to stand after a fall in a shopping mallparking lot, the woman twists and sprains her ankle.

The LPN/LVN is protected fromlitigation or an unintentional tort by:a. Hospital malpractice insuranceb. Good faith agreement.Test BankCopyright © 2012, 2007, 2003, 2000, 1995 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.3-4c. Good Samaritan lawd. Personal professional insuranceANS: CThe Good Samaritan law protects individuals who assist at an accident scene if they actin good faith. Professional insurance is not in effect because the actions were notperformed while the LPN/LVN was on duty.DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p.

39 OBJ: 2TOP: Torts KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A MSC: NCLEX: N/A10. The LPN/LVN has trimmed the toenails of a patient with diabetes too short, whichresulted in a toe amputation from infections. This LPN/LVN is guilty of:a.

Introduction To Medical Surgical Nursing 5th Edition Linton Test Bank Reviews

Unintentional tortb. Intentional tortc. MalpracticeANS: DMalpractice occurs when an unintentional tort causes an injury to a patient.DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis REF: p. 38 OBJ: 2TOP: Malpractice KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A MSC: NCLEX: N/A11. The LPN/LVN acquiring a signature on a surgical informed consent document mustensure that the:a.

Patient is not sedated.b. Physician is present.c. Family member is a witness.d. Signature is in ink.ANS: ABefore surgery, the consent form must be signed before any preoperative sedation isadministered. A sedated person cannot give a valid consent.DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 40 OBJ: 9TOP: Informed Consent KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/AMSC: 'NCLEX: Safe, Effective Care Environment: Coordinated care'12. The physician has written an order for Synthroid, 137 mg.

The LPN/LVN is aware thatthe drug is measured in micrograms. The nurse should:a. Transcribe the order as if it were written in micrograms.b.


Notify the nursing supervisor.c. Transcribe the order as written.d. Call the prescribing physician.Test BankCopyright © 2012, 2007, 2003, 2000, 1995 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.3-5ANS: DThe LPN/LVN may call the physician to clarify the order but may not alter the writtenorder in any way. The order for the correct dose will be written as a new order.DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p.

35 OBJ: N/ATOP: Doctor’s Orders KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/AMSC: 'NCLEX: Safe, Effective Care Environment: Coordinated care'13. The physician has written an order for morphine sulfate, 100 mg. The LPN/LVN inquiresif he meant to write 10 mg. The physician confirms that he meant 100 mg. The LPN/LVNshould:a.

Call a member of the hospital administration.b. Refuse to transcribe the order.c. Call the pharmacist.d.

Notify the nursing supervisor.ANS: DIn the event of a physician’s refusal to clarify a questionable order, the LPN/LVN shouldnotify the nursing supervisor to intervene.DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 40 OBJ: N/ATOP: Doctor’s Orders KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/AMSC: 'NCLEX: Safe, Effective Care Environment: Coordinated care'MULTIPLE RESPONSE1. The LPN/LVN explains to a patient that health care ethics are based on: (Select all thatapply.)a. NonmaleficenceANS: A, B, D, EHealth care ethics are based on autonomy, fidelity, beneficence, justice, andnonmaleficenceDIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: p. 32 OBJ: 2TOP: Health Care Ethics KEY: Nursing Process Step: ImplementationMSC: 'NCLEX: Safe, Effective Care Environment: Coordinated care'2.

Introduction To Medical Surgical Nursing 5th Edition Linton Test Bank

The nurse is aware that values clarification supports nursing practice by: (Select all thatapply.)a. Guiding decision makingb. Giving insight to patients.Test BankCopyright © 2012, 2007, 2003, 2000, 1995 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.3-6c. Enhancing peer relationshipsd. Helping understand him or herselfe.

Gaining the confidence of supervisorsANS: A, B, DValues clarification gives a person a foundation for moral decisions and insight into selfand others.DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 33 OBJ: 4TOP: Values Clarification KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/AMSC: NCLEX: N/A3. The LPN/LVN arrives on duty at 7 AM and is faced with the ethical dilemma ofinadequate staffing for the day shift. The LPN/LVN should invoke a “safe harbor” by:(Select all that apply.)a.

Immediately filing a written protest with administration.b. Leaving duty.c. Refusing the assignment.d. Calling hospital administration.e.

Suggesting that nursing assistants (NAs) file a written protest.ANS: A, EFiling a written protest relative to short staffing provides the “safe harbor” for theLPN/LVN and protects his or her license. Nonacceptance of the assignment or leavingduty is considered abandonment. Suggesting that the NA file a similar protest is aneffective action.DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p.

40 OBJ: 9TOP: Inadequate Staffing KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/AMSC: NCLEX: N/ACOMPLETION1. The values that direct human behavior and are concerned with defining right from wrongare known as.ANS:EthicsAn individual’s ability to define right from wrong is based on a value system calledethics.DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: p. 31 OBJ: 1TOP: Ethics KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/AMSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity.Test BankCopyright © 2012, 2007, 2003, 2000, 1995 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.3-7OTHER1. Prioritize the steps in solving an ethical dilemma.a. Evaluate the outcome.b. Plan an approach.c. Visualize the consequences.d.

Take action.e. Identify the problem.ANS:e, b, c, d, aTo solve an ethical dilemma, one must clearly identify the problem, plan an approach,visualize the consequences, take action, and evaluate the outcome.DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 34 OBJ: 7TOP: Solving an Ethical Dilemma KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/AMSC: NCLEX: N/ATest Bank for Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing 5th Edition by LintonFull Download: download all chapters instantly please go to Solutions Manual, Test Bank site: TestBankLive.com.

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