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The Magic and Science of Jewels and Stones, by Isidore KozminskyThe Project Gutenberg EBook of The Magic and Science of Jewels and Stones, byIsidore KozminskyThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States andmost other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictionswhatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the termsof the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online atwww.gutenberg.org. If you are not located in the United States, you'llhave to check the laws of the country where you are located before usingthis ebook.Title: The Magic and Science of Jewels and StonesAuthor: Isidore KozminskyRelease Date: October 4, 2018 EBook #57980Language: EnglishCharacter set encoding: UTF-8. START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK JEWELS.Produced by KD Weeks, Chris Curnow and the OnlineDistributed Proofreading Team at (Thisfile was produced from images generously made availableby The Internet Archive). V PREFACEIn these pages a sincere attempt is made to blendmodern science with the ancient and occult philosophyof the precious, semi-precious and commonstones of the earth.

It will be shown that many of theseemingly absurd narratives of old authors are butcunningly concealed truths, the unravelling of whichcan be followed with interest and profit along the linesherein indicated. The ancient masters held that theinfluences exerted by the heavenly bodies entered intoharmonious relations with various terrestrial substances.Hence we have the venerable philosophy of fortunatestones, planetary gems and “stones of power,” whichform a part of the vast department known as talismanicmagic. It is the philosophy of sympathy and antipathyprevailing through nature—atom for atom, stonefor stone, plant for plant, animal for animal, man forman. This observation was subjected to an orderlyscientific arrangement which for completeness of detailwould compare, in some cases, more than favorably withthe most careful synthesis of modern science.

Inorder to make easily understood the matter treated andto secure pronunciations as nearly correct as possible,it has been considered advisable to render all foreignwords, ancient and modern, in familiar letters.I have to express my grateful thanks to the friends whohave, in various ways, been helpful to me in regard tothis work.viTo Mr. Newman, for the use of his uniquecollection of opals and precious stones, including thewonderful opal, “The Flame Queen,” and especially forhis co-operation, without which this book could not havebeen published.Likewise to The Right Honorable the ViscountessAstor, M.P.; Lieutenant Sir Edward Mackenzie-Mackenzie,Bart., for his original Heraldic drawings ofthe horoscopes of royal and notable persons from mycharts; Professor Sir William Ridgeway, Sc.D., LL.D.,Litt.D., F.B.A., of Cambridge University, England;Miss Kathleen Watkins, for her help in preparing thesheets for the press; Mrs. Beatrix Colquhoun, for herpaintings of the Flame Queen and other gems from Mr.Kelsey I.

Newman’s collection; Mr. G.King, Melbourne, Australia; Mr. Henry T.Seymour, New York City; Mr. William Howat, Melbourne,Australia; Mrs.

Kozminsky, Melbourne,Australia; Mrs. Alice Walker, Melbourne, Australia;Mr. Brown, Melbourne, Australia; Mr. A.Osboldstone, Melbourne, Australia; Mr. James Mackenzie,Adelaide, Australia; Mr. Susman, Hobart,Tasmania, and to my wife to whom this book is dedicated.

Keats.INSPIRATION AND KNOWLEDGE: EXPERIMENTS ONSENSITIVES: GEMS AND COLOUR ATTRACTIONS: ANCIENTGEM CLASSIFICATION: SCIENCE HERMETICAMONG ANCIENT NATIONS: PUNISHMENT OF THEPEACH TREE: MODERN CLASSIFICATION.The study of the precious and semi-preciousstones of the earth has commanded the attentionof man from the mists of ages when, according toEnoch, the angel Azazzel came to the earth planeto teach him the use of them. Hence man consideredthe actual benefit to himself of these stones untilhis natural curiosity led him to study more deeplythe marvel of their existence. There can be littledoubt that the indicated use was talismanic, and thatthe pure wisdom of divine inspiration and a clearfaith rendered man’s intuition so keen that he wasquite able to know the virtue of various stones withoutchemical analysis. Ennemoser has recordedthe effects of precious stones on certain psychic subjects,giving the opinion that “it is not improbable4that in the early ages the belief in the virtues oftalismans was induced by similar observations.”This, no doubt, is true and indicates to us that certainobserved phenomena compelled a closer study.

Weare then reminded of the experiments which havebeen attributed to the schools of Pythagoras and ofthe observed effects of certain stones in the hands ofsensitives by Baron Reichenbach in the middle ofthe nineteenth century and of the still more recentexperiments in the schools at Nancy. “ And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the Heaven todivide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, andfor days, and years.” Genesis 1:14. ASTROLOGY: COLOURS OF THE HEAVENS.The old science of Astrology was known amongstthe Hebrews as the Wisdom of Foreknowledge( HOK MAT HA NISSAYON), and with it was includedAstronomy or Star Knowledge ( HOK MAT HA HOZZAYON).It is spoken of as of heavenly origin havingbeen communicated to man by the angels after hehad lost Eden.

Henry Vaughan. THE EPHOD OF THE HIGH PRIEST: THE HEAVENS, THE GATES, THE CAVES: THE FOUR WORLDS.In the 28th chapter of Exodus we learn that thosethat are “wise hearted” and “filled with the spiritof wisdom” were selected to make for Aaron consecratedgarments—a breastplate and an ephod, abroidered coat, a mitre and a girdle. On theshoulders of the Ephod (Hebrew, Hepod) which wasto be made “of gold, of blue, and of purple, ofscarlet”—these being the colours of divinity—“andfine twined linen, with cunning work” were to beplaced two stones, each to be engraved after themanner of a signet, with six names of the childrenof Israel. Authorities generally agree with thetranslations in classifying these two stones as Onyx,and there are very important reasons from an occultpoint of view why they should be so identified eventhough Josephus accounts them Sardonyx which, hesays, represents the sun and the moon. These onyxstones were to be worn “for stones of memorial untothe children of Israel.” The ephod was similar to10an upper body-garment of the Greeks (Josephus saysit resembled the Epomis) and may be described as akind of waistcoat held by straps which passed overthe shoulders and were twined round the waist withthe cunningly woven band. “ The future things and those which are to happen, let them foretell untothee.” Isaiah XLIV. 7.ATTACHED to the Ephod was the famousHOSHEN-HA-MISHPAT or Breastplate ofJudgment which was of “cunning work,” fashionedlike the Ephod “of gold, of blue, and of purple, andof scarlet, and of fine twined linen.” It was asquare pouch when doubled, a span in length and aspan in breadth.

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Josephus writes that there were“twelve stones upon the Breastplate, extraordinaryin largeness and beauty: and they were an ornamentnot to be purchased by men because of their immensevalue. The names of all those sons of Jacob wereengraven in these stones, whom we esteem theheads of our tribes, each in the order according towhich they were born.”We are told in the 28th chapter of the Book ofExodus that the Urim and Thummim were put intothe Breastplate.

Dummelow believes that thesewere two jewels or images engraved with distinctivecharacters employed in casting lots. Josephus andthe Septuagint imply that the gems on the Breastplateconstituted the Urim and Thummim. Genseniussays that the Urim and Thummim were twolittle images which were placed between the folds13of the Breastplate. Chambers indicates theUrim and Thummim as a mysterious contrivanceconsisting either of the four rows of precious stonesbearing the tribal signets, or of two images.

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It ispointed out that the images of Isis and Osiris, workedin precious stones, hung on the breast of the EgyptianHigh Priest to symbolize truth and justice. A hardy sailor live, spurning inglorious ease.Rev. King writes of a cast from a gem engravedwith a “double-headed Capricorn with anowl’s body standing upon and holding in his forefoota rudder: in allusion to the doctrine laid down byManilius that the star in the sign’s tail is the properhoroscope of mariners and pilots. Or it may typifythe usually fickle temper of one born under the sign.This sign likewise presided over all the space withintide-mark, the alternate domain of sea and land;a dominion expressed by the half terrestrial, halfmarine composition of the figure.